
Swash Labs

Social Media Design, Ad Design, Logo Design


A LITTLE bit of everything

Working at Swash Labs is a joy. From working on social media for clients and the agency itself, to making reports and logos for non-profits with meaningful missions, to publishing blogs for Texas’ most popular indie moving company, I get to do a little bit of everything. Working on the 25th Anniversary Logo for Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas was one of the first assignments I got, and still one of my favorites to date. The most difficult part was choosing a typeface and lockup that would work well with the existing type and shape of the logo.


Traditional Logo

25th Anniversary Logo


It’s also been great to learn more about creating Instagram ads and how to best design for the feed, especially when brand photography is already available. Here are some ads and a blog for Little Guys Movers that we worked on recently:


Lastly, the most interesting and fun part of working with Swash has been growing the Instagram account and feed. Although it originally started as a way to build out the brand a bit and explore, it has become a regularly scheduled part of the work, and has allowed me to learn a lot about optimizing layouts for the feed. Not only that, but engagement has also gone up by 40%, which is always welcome! It’s also allowed me to develop some copywriting muscles. Here are some of the posts I’ve worked on.