
Real Talk: Understanding Texas Latino Voters Through Meaningful Conversation

Illustration, Print Layout, Report Identity


bringing life to a report

I was contacted by Culture Concepts, a storytelling and ethnographic research consulting firm from Houston, to design the visual identity for Real Talk: Understanding Texas Latino Voters Through Meaningful Conversation - a report conducted in collaboration with Texas Organizing Project, a grassroots organizing collective, to shed light on Latino voting trends in Texas before the 2020 election.

This was an incredible chance to bring structure to a large compilation of information, ranging from key takeaways, to participant demographics and direct quotes from the individuals themselves. With five main chapters and all of the fixings of a large report (executive summary, appendix, etc), I learned a lot about how to format the information with the audience in mind - and how to give the text pace and flow.


  • Full report formatting - 117 pages

  • Demographics table, three pillars graphic

  • Font rules

  • Title structure

  • Typesetting

  • Cover illustration


capturing intimate moments

I was also the cover illustrator for this project. After some attempts to create composite images with existing photos, I suggested that we create our ideal image with a hand-drawn illustration - that way, we’d have full control of who is featured in the image, their positioning in relation to each other, and the emotions being conveyed by their facial expressions. TOP wanted to capture the spark of a door-to-door conversation between a TOP member and a modern family, a large part of their work that very often leads to the development of valuable connections and deep understanding - a sentiment echoed by the report’s findings. As the authors of the study say: “Armed with the power of true understanding and connection, you can find more ways to keep bridging gaps.”
