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Coracao Airlines

Brand Identity Design, Art Direction, Logo Design, Web Design, Copywriting


the identity brief

For this large project, I was asked to create a fresh and unique brand identity for a low-cost airline catering to Portuguese locals and tourists. This brief was a great opportunity to explore all of the ways that different components of design can come together to bring a brand to life! From type, to imagery, to color, Coracao Airlines came alive with the spirit of “saudade,” a uniquely Portuguese concept of longing and nostalgia.


fleshing things out!

After creating key art, I was asked to create additional collateral that would increase awareness of the airline’s message and encourage flight purchases; this resulted in the creation of a billboard and a mobile website that would allow individuals from a range of demographics the opportunity to interact with the brand in a simple and refreshing way. This task was an awesome way for me to explore the different ways that the brand’s visual language could be manifested, along with all the ways that I could extend that language in a way that would achieve the client’s goals.


the “little” things

We all know that when you’re traveling, the little things can really make or break your experience. So once the identity was fully flourished and the marketing collateral was solid, it was time for me to create the finishing touches for the brand - the small, yet significant objects of a traveler’s journey that accompany them from Point A to Point B and have the opportunity to make their trip that much more memorable. Crafting these elements genuinely made me put myself in the traveler’s shoes and think of what I would enjoying holding or seeing in front of me while flying to my destination.
