
Deeds Not Words: 2022 Get Out the Vote Campaign

Digital Social Media Design


Getting out the vote in texas

Deeds Not Words is an intersectional organization fighting for reproductive rights that was created in 2015 by former Texas State Senator Wendy Davis in order to foster political participation and civic engagement for young women in Texas and beyond.

It was an honor to be tapped by Deeds Not Words to participate in their 2022 Get Out the Vote Campaign.

This year, Texas faces a lot of unique voting challenges with extremist conservative politics threatening to disrupt the progress that has been made in recent years.

The first post was specifically aimed towards Houston voters, so I decided to frame voting as an act of service for your community and your neighbors. Houston’s extreme summer weather creates distinct difficulties when it comes to maintaining public parks and sidewalks, and we also face issues regarding livable wages and safe working conditions; hence the copy around the outline of Texas.


voting post-roe

As many Texans and non-Texans know, the fight for reproductive rights is a key issue in our midterm elections this year. Facing extremist policies that threaten the lives of patients who suffer from non-viable pregnancies and endanger the practice of any healthcare workers that provide abortions, we are truly at a political crossroads in the Lone Star State.

The second post was aimed to address more partisan issues being addressed by the candidates this year, ranging from gun violence to reproductive rights.

I’m a firm believer in a pregnant person’s right to make their own healthcare decisions for their own body, and in a voter’s right to express this opinion through their vote. Subsequently, I chose to focus on this concept for the design that I created for the Deeds Action Fund, the 501(c)(4) political arm of Deeds Not Words.

Early Voting in Texas is taking place now – make sure your voice is heard!